Why PVC Windows are a Good Choice

Why PVC Windows are a Good Choice

When it comes to replacing windows in a house, there are many considerations to take into account. Wood, PVC, aluminum, glass type, hardware, prices… This puzzle seems quite complicated, but in the following text, we aim to simplify your choice, at least concerning window profiles.

The Rise of PVC Windows

PVC windows and doors have seen a significant surge in popularity in recent years. This is not by chance, as PVC offers numerous advantages over other materials. The quality and production technology have improved significantly in recent years, so when it comes to PVC windows, we can generally talk about their benefits.

Advantages of PVC Windows

One primary advantage of PVC windows over aluminum and wood is the balance between price and quality. For residential buildings such as houses or apartments, PVC windows are the best choice because they offer excellent sound and thermal insulation, and they are competitively priced, especially compared to wooden or aluminum windows.

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Another equally important advantage for both private and commercial properties is their easy maintenance. There is no need for periodic painting, no corrosion issues, and dirt can be easily wiped off their surface with a damp cloth and, if necessary, a suitable cleaning agent for glass.

Choosing PVC Windows

When choosing PVC windows, attention should be paid to several details. Nowadays, many manufacturers produce and install PVC windows, and the quality of service in this market can vary. It’s essential to gather information about the manufacturer you intend to engage to make and install your windows.

Inquire about where and for whom they have made windows before and what the quality of those windows is. Perhaps it’s best to find a company recommended by a friend who was satisfied with the quality of their service.

Even if you buy the highest-quality PVC profiles, a quality window may not result from them if there are other factors involved. Improper installation, low-quality installation, cost-saving on hardware or glass—all these factors can completely negate the money invested in a quality PVC profile.

The Window Package

A window consists of four factors: profile quality, hardware, glass, and, last but not least, who will make the window from these elements, or who the window manufacturer is. Therefore, it is essential to find out what materials the window manufacturer uses. Without a doubt, when it comes to profiles and hardware, German manufacturers offer the highest quality today.

Special attention should also be paid to glass. It should not be forgotten that glass occupies the largest area of the window, and ordinary double-glazed windows, which were standard until recently, cannot keep up with all the advantages offered by modern profiles. Perhaps only the glass is more critical than the window profile. Buying the highest-quality profile available and installing ordinary double-glazed windows on such a window is somewhat wasteful.

Simply put, the insulation quality of the glass cannot match what the profile offers. Today, there are profiles with three levels of sealing, which are of excellent quality, and when paired with triple-glazed windows, they represent an optimal combination that guarantees excellent sound and thermal insulation.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

The biggest mistakes in choosing windows occur when only the price is considered. Buying the most expensive window is not a guarantee that it will be of good quality, but buying the cheapest one ensures that it will not be of sufficient quality. Similarly, when it comes to glass, people usually think it’s all the same, and the logic is often: all white windows are the same.

If you choose low-quality windows when building a house, you can easily negate all previous investments, especially those in building insulation. And if you’re replacing old windows, consider whether the cheapest new ones will be better than the existing ones. It may be better to wait another year and save up for something of better quality.


Before installing windows, visit several window manufacturers and request quotes from them. Just as most of us visit at least three stores when buying shoes, which will be worn for a couple of years, the same effort should be made when choosing windows, which cost much more and last for decades.

Ask for specifications of what will be done, how it will be done, which materials and parts will be used. Then, with a little help from Google, it’s possible to dissect what each one has offered and whose combination of components best meets your needs.

If a window manufacturer recommends installing windows made from their profiles, you can freely contact them directly at their office and seek further advice on whether such a profile is the best choice and whether they have any other recommendations to change something in the specifications to make the price-quality ratio even more favorable.

For example, when choosing windows for an average apartment, the price difference between choosing a profile with two or three seals, or double or triple glazing, is two hundred or three hundred dollars, and the difference in quality is immeasurable.

Foto: Gealan

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