Cleaning Your Gutters for a Healthy Home

Cleaning Your Gutters for a Healthy Home

As the first days of autumn roll in, rainy days become more frequent, presenting our homes with new challenges. One crucial task is the regular cleaning of gutters. The cost of gutter cleaning varies significantly, but here we’ll focus on a DIY approach without purchasing any specialized tools or equipment.

The Importance of Gutter Cleaning

When it comes to household chores, we tend to focus on what’s most visible. Often, we neglect things we don’t see, such as gutters. Before the onset of heavy rainfall and the first winter months, ensuring the integrity and cleanliness of gutters is vital. A clogged gutter, filled with accumulated debris, won’t be able to handle large volumes of water, leading to overflow during heavy rain.

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This is particularly risky for houses without overhanging roofs, as water cascades down the walls, potentially causing significant damage. Even houses with roofs aren’t immune to gutter overflow, as water splashes against the walls, causing moisture absorption and decay. However, these issues can be easily prevented.

When to Pay Extra Attention

Now is the perfect time to give extra attention to your gutters and roofs. This is especially crucial for houses near tall trees whose branches reach the roof’s lower edge, as they tend to collect more debris. High roofs and houses far from greenery practically never need cleaning, as any debris that appears will be washed away by the first heavy rain.

Typically, gutters are cleaned in late autumn, after the leaf-fall season. But if you missed that window before last winter, early autumn might be a good time to check the gutters’ condition to prepare them for upcoming rainy days.

Cleaning Procedure

The cleaning process is relatively straightforward, provided it’s not a multi-story building. The only serious equipment you’ll need is a ladder. You can clean the gutter with a sturdy plastic brush, preferably with a longer handle. This allows you to clean a longer stretch of gutter in one sweep, reducing the need to descend the ladder frequently.

Alternatively, you can use a simple plastic bag to manually remove debris from the gutter and dispose of it, minimizing mess around the house. Don’t be surprised to find soil, or even plants growing in neglected gutters. Regularly maintained gutters will make cleaning much easier.

Rinsing Off

After removing larger debris, flush out smaller particles with a garden hose. Direct the water flow from the middle of the roof towards the edges and downspouts, ensuring the dirty water doesn’t splash back towards you. While rare, in neglected gutters, vertical downspouts may become clogged, causing the gutter to fill with water as it cannot drain.

This usually happens at downspouts with bends. In such cases, a solution is to use a drain snake, similar to those used for unclogging kitchen or bathroom drains. It’s a smooth metal cable in the form of a fine spring that won’t damage the gutter. Regardless of the gutter material, whether plastic or galvanized steel, avoid using tools that could cause damage, such as steel brushes or metal spatulas.

Foto: Freepik

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