Firewood or Pellets – Pros and Cons of Two Energy Sources

Firewood or Pellets – Pros and Cons of Two Energy Sources

Considering a pellet boiler or burner installation for your home? Perhaps you’re wondering if there are pellet stoves that can also be used for cooking. One of the most common questions when it comes to heating with solid fuels is whether it’s worth the investment to switch from firewood to pellet heating.

Pellet heating offers numerous benefits and is generally a more convenient way to heat your home, but there are some drawbacks to consider. The final decision can depend on several factors.

Benefits of Switching from Firewood to Pellet Heating

If your home already has a central water heating system with a firewood boiler, switching to pellets could be a cost-effective long-term solution. Since the radiator system is already in place, it primarily involves replacing the existing firewood boiler with a pellet boiler.

Heating with firewood means a lot more work every day

In this scenario, costs are fairly straightforward as you only need to select a pellet boiler with the appropriate power capacity that connects to the existing system.

Is Installing a Pellet Burner a Viable Option?

Initially, a more affordable option might be to purchase and install a pellet burner. This involves fitting a burner with a pellet storage tank onto an existing firewood boiler. The burner is installed in the firewood loading door, providing all the benefits of pellet heating.

However, this solution is only cost-effective at the start. Installing a pellet burner on an existing boiler will not achieve the efficiency levels of boilers designed exclusively for pellet burning. Increased pellet consumption can quickly negate the initial savings from lower upfront costs.

Pellet Stoves for Heating and Cooking

For those who use wood stoves for heating, switching to pellets is also an option. Many manufacturers now offer pellet stoves in various power capacities, capable of heating spaces and cooking food.

Advantages of Pellet Heating Over Firewood

Whether you choose a pellet boiler for central heating or a room pellet stove, the advantages are the same. Pellet boilers and stoves eliminate the need for manual loading as with traditional firewood systems. Heating is activated with the push of a button.

Pellet appliances are connected to regular or smart thermostats, allowing the system to operate only when needed. You can program the heating times and even control it remotely via mobile devices. These features are incomparable to firewood or coal heating systems.

Heating with pellets is more comfortable than heating with wood

Beyond easier system activation, another significant advantage of pellet heating is the minimal maintenance required around the boiler or stove. Depending on the type of appliance, size of the storage tank, area being heated, and outside temperature, the device can operate for several days without additional intervention.

The only tasks are periodically adding pellets to the storage tank and cleaning the burner from ash and slag, which is much less effort compared to cleaning a firewood boiler or stove.

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The reduced maintenance is primarily due to the significantly higher efficiency of pellet boilers and stoves. The same space is heated with several times less pellets compared to wood. This means less fuel to transport and store, and no wood splitting, carrying, or stacking.

Disadvantages of Pellet Heating

Pellet heating also has some disadvantages. Pellet boilers and stoves are complex devices with electrical and electronic components that require annual servicing.

Additionally, due to their complexity, they are more prone to malfunctions compared to simple firewood or coal boilers and stoves. Another drawback is that pellet stoves will stop heating during a power outage, unlike firewood stoves that operate independently of electricity.

For pellet boilers usually located in separate rooms such as garages or basements, this is not significant, but it’s worth noting that room pellet stoves can produce a certain level of noise when active.


The advantages of pellet heating are clear. Transporting and storing fuel is easier, pellet stoves can operate for days without supervision, and the temperature is maintained automatically. However, like any modern device, pellet heating systems require careful maintenance, have higher initial costs, and their operation depends on a reliable electricity supply.

Photo: Freepik

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