How to Eliminate Woodworm from Wood and Parquet Flooring

How to Eliminate Woodworm from Wood and Parquet Flooring

Discovering and effectively addressing woodworm infestation in your parquet flooring can be accomplished affordably and independently with an investment of approximately five dollars. Recognizing the presence of woodworm in your parquet in a timely manner is crucial. Here’s what you need in terms of tools and materials, and when it’s advisable to seek professional assistance

Detecting Woodworm Infestation:

Woodworm, more than just an aesthetic concern, poses a significant threat to wood integrity. The initial indication of woodworm infestation is auditory. If you hear scratching sounds resembling someone scraping wood with a needle emanating from the floor, it’s a clear indication of woodworm activity. This serves as the first alert for action.

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As woodworm continues its activity unhindered, you’ll soon notice the emergence of fine wood dust in areas where the woodworm is active. This visual confirmation further solidifies the presence of woodworm. If left unchecked, the apparent condition of the parquet strips may deceive you.

However, a gentle tap will reveal hollowed-out wood, indicating that the woodworm has completely consumed the wood mass, right up to the lacquer surface. At these points, the surface of the parquet consists only of a thin layer of wood and lacquer, easily penetrable with a screwdriver or any sharper object.

Preventing Further Damage:

Preventing extensive damage is paramount. Take action as soon as you hear the unmistakable scratching noises, usually during the night. By carefully listening, even placing your ear against the floor to pinpoint the source of the sound, you can accurately locate the affected area.

Materials and Tools Required:

For less than five dollars, you can acquire the necessary materials from any hardware store. Purchase a woodworm treatment product (e.g., woodworm killer) typically used as a preventive measure, applied before lacquering or staining wood.

Since the parquet is lacquered, applying the treatment with a brush will have no effect. Deep penetration is required. Therefore, obtain a syringe and several needles from the pharmacy. Purchase both thicker and thinner needles.

Use the syringe and needle to inject the treatment into all areas where woodworm activity is audible. For larger gaps between parquet strips, use thicker needles, and for smaller cracks, work more carefully with thinner needles.

Ensuring Safety:

When working with woodworm treatment products, exercise caution as they contain toxins. Wear gloves, and after completion, wash your hands thoroughly. During the application process using the syringe, needle, and woodworm treatment, ensure children are kept away from the area. After finishing the task, safely store all potentially hazardous tools out of reach.

Final Considerations:

While this approach represents the first step in addressing woodworm infestation, success is not guaranteed. If efforts fail, and woodworm activity persists, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance promptly.

Woodworm infestation can spread and cause significant damage over time, affecting not only the flooring but also other wooden surfaces such as furniture. For those residing in attic spaces, the importance of timely action cannot be overstated.

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