How to Make Your Wooden Deck Shine Like New

How to Make Your Wooden Deck Shine Like New

Wondering how to clean and protect wooden decking on your terrace or garden? What products can you use, and what should you avoid? How and when should you properly apply oils and wood stains? Read on for a detailed guide to maintaining your wooden deck flooring.

Cleaning Your Deck

The best way to clean your deck is by using a hose and a brush. Choose a medium-bristled brush, never the stiffest one. Brush along the wood grain or the grooves on the decking surface to effectively remove dirt with minimal risk of damage.

Caution with Pressure Washers

If you have a pressure washer, you can use it, but be careful about the distance between the nozzle and the wood surface. Wet wood is more sensitive, and if the nozzle is too close and the pressure too high, you can easily damage the wood.

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Avoid using improvised cleaning solutions and harsh household chemicals. In 90% of cases, you won’t need special cleaners for wooden surfaces. These products can be expensive, so use them only when necessary. If you notice gray spots, you can find specific products for their removal at a local paint store.

Applying Oils and Wood Stains

After washing, you need to apply some form of protection. You can use oils or various wood stains. Stick to the products already applied to the decking. After washing the wooden surface, ensure it is completely dry before applying protection. With early spring’s relatively low temperatures, this drying process may take days, not hours. Applying oil or stain to damp wood can cause more harm than good.

Properly dried wood has the necessary absorption capacity for protective coatings. Unlike varnish, which forms a film on the wood surface, stains and oils penetrate the wood, offering excellent moisture protection. If the oil contains pigments, it will also protect the wood from UV rays. Be aware that each additional coat of pigmented protection will darken the wood, so if your deck already has the desired color, use clear oils and stains.

Avoid Applying Oils in Direct Sunlight or Rain

Oil is best applied with a brush. Avoid applying it in high humidity or when it’s raining, even if the deck is covered. Also, don’t apply protection in direct sunlight, especially for stains. Under strong sunlight, the wood heats up, causing the protection to dry faster than the wood can absorb it.

After applying the oil, wait about twenty minutes. If you notice areas where the wood hasn’t absorbed the protection, wipe those areas with a dry cloth. Similarly, if you see spots where the wood has soaked up all the protection like a sponge, you can brush over those areas again for a touch-up.

Seasonal Maintenance

By following these steps, your terrace will be ready for the first days of spring and the entire summer. It’s recommended to maintain wooden decking this way twice a year, especially for decks exposed to direct sunlight or rain. For decking protected from the elements, once a year is usually sufficient, making early spring the ideal time for maintenance.

By adhering to these tips, you can ensure your wooden deck remains beautiful and durable for years to come.

Photo: Freepik

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